[Step 22] 자동화 계정 만들기 – Sample















Provides a simple example of a Azure Automation runbook.



This runbook provides the “Hello World” example for Azure Automation. If you are

brand new to Automation in Azure, you can use this runbook to explore testing

and publishing capabilities.


The runbook takes in an optional string parameter. If you leave the parameter blank, the

default of $Name will equal “World”. The runbook then prints “Hello” concatenated with $Name.




String value to print as output



Write-HelloWorld -Name “World”



Author: System Center Automation Team

Last Updated: 3/3/2014




workflow Write-HelloWorld {

param (


# Optional parameter of type string.

# If you do not enter anything, the default value of Name

# will be World


[String]$Name = “World”



Write-Output “Hello $Name”
























Author: Maestro

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